Nyeema Harris
Dr. Harris received her PhD from North Carolina State University in 2011 studying the biogeography of carnivores and their parasites. She was then a fellow in the Environmental Science, Policy and Management Department at University of California, Berkeley. Most recently, she completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Luc Hoffmann Institute, WWF International (2014-2015).The principle goal of my research program is to understand the biogeography of ecological communities by answering three leading questions. 1) What abiotic and biotic factors delimit species ranges including those of conservation and human concern? 2) How are species interactions distributed across temporal and spatial scales? 3) What are the consequences of extirpations (or expansions) on communities? To answer these questions, past and ongoing projects incorporate biogeochemistry, genetics, species distribution modeling, community and population simulations, animal capture and telemetry, parasitology, and non-invasive monitoring within mammal systems.